When things are going well, and they most definitely are going well at Whiteman Primary, why does a school need to engage in strategic planning? From the moment I met the first set of parents, board members, and faculty on the search committee, it was clear to me that the school was well run and staffed by people of integrity who had their heads on their shoulders and who kept the interests of the students at the center of their decisions. The financial state of the school, the strong curriculum, the dedication of the faculty, the gifts of both time and money by parents, board members, and friends of the school…all of these contribute to a very strong school indeed.
But just as we ask our students to stretch and not rest on the glory of their latest successes, we must do the same as a school if we want to continue to be the wonderful place for children that LWPS has always been. The world is a different place than it was a decade ago, and it is a different place now from what it will be in 10 more years. Our school needs to examine its context and decide how to meet the spirit of our mission in a new and ever-changing environment. The strategic planning committee has given us a framework to build on the strengths of the school while addressing weaknesses and looking for opportunities as we prepare to meet challenges.
In the spirit of inclusiveness that resonates through the halls of the school, parents, faculty, board members, and members of the wider Steamboat community have all provided input to the process and will continue to be involved as the school sets priorities for the future. I have been so impressed with the way that our community has thought deeply and broadly, and how self-interest has given way to the underlying interests of the school’s children…both those presently in the school and those who will join us in the future.
If you have not yet had a chance to share your thoughts about Whiteman Primary’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges, please be sure to drop me an email or stop by to talk with me. We are a terrific place for children now but, just as our children do, we can strive for more. Please join us in this journey.
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