Middle School Outdoor Education Excitement
Emerald Mountain
School kicked-off a new monthly outdoor education program for Middle School
students this year. It all began with a day of dog-sledding and survival
skills. Students built snow shelters and started fires in adverse conditions in
the Flattops. They worked in teams and expanded their abilities to cooperate
and learn from each other. Our second trip of the year focused on safety in the
back country in winter, especially in avalanche conditions. Beacon training,
snowshoeing, and cross country skiing figured prominently, and the students
were treated to a surprise visit from a rescue helicopter. Each month,
Emerald’s Middle School students have the opportunity to learn about the
outdoors IN the outdoors. Aside from just being plain fun, these outdoor
expeditions provide learning opportunities related to science, social-emotional
development, survival skills, the environment, situational awareness,
mindfulness, and working in teams. These monthly outdoor education experiences
augment the intensive winter skills training that Emerald Middle School
students will engage in during mid-February. For three days, students will camp
in rustic conditions and learn to be self-reliant even in the most challenging
conditions. The culminating event for our eighth grade students includes a
six-hour solo wilderness experience where each student employs the winter
survival skills (s)he has learned, practices mindfulness, and builds
confidence. Through Emerald’s outdoor education program, students learn about
themselves as they learn about the world around them and as each student pushes
his or her limits.